Why we need to save water today

A huge population of the country is facing water scarcity i.e. unavailability of fresh drinking water or water that is fit for use. Most of the metro cities like our capital Delhi, Bangalore, Chennai, Mumbai which are called the backbone of the country today face the shortage of water which is going to get worsen in the coming years. Most of the people living in Delhi have to buy water daily for use which cost approximately Rs. 8 per litre. Bangalore will be in the worst condition in around 10 years from now.

water use in Delhi

If this is not enough for opening eyes than let us wait to see the crisis in the near future.
We need to start using every drop of water with care so that it doesn't become thirsty because if water will become thirsty than who will reduce our thirst.

Thirsty Water: Every Drop Counts

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