What is Water shortage?

Water shortage happens when an area does not have enough water to meet the needs of the people who live there.
A shortage happens when there is too much exploitation of water in terms of use or there is not enough supply.
Now you will say that we have a lot of water, we have huge oceans, big seas, big rivers, pond, lakes etc.
Yes, we have 97% of water available in oceans but that water is not fit for drinking as it is salty.
Only,2.8% of water available is fresh water present in rivers, groundwater, glaciers etc. That can be used for consumption.
In India, average women travel around 3 to 4 km daily to bring water to their home.
It has been projected that per capita surface water availability is likely to be reduced to 1401 m3 and 1191 m3 by the years 2025 and 2050, respectively. The Per capita water availability in the year 2010 was 1588 m3 against 5200 m3 of the year 1951 in the countryShocked!!!

Thirsty Water: Every Drop Counts

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